Sit back and relax as you read my blog which has one purpose and one only. To waste my time and yours (enjoyably of course). So please enjoy whenever you check this blog out. -Lance

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wi Wi Wi.

Dear Bloggers,
There comes a point in life when you ask yourself, "What's my point in life." Well we have a new guest in our house and his name is Raphael. Most of you already know this but if you didn't you do now. He is pretty awesome, and he likes everything we do. His first day here he was introduced to airsoft. I think he likes it. We played for three days straight and now it kinda stopped. What else? He tried his first hamburger at the world famous "Giant Burger." I think he liked that too. He also tried his first PB&J a couple of days ago. So things are going good with him in America, he speaks very well, likes our humor, and does everything we introduce to him. So that's the summary of my life right now. Do stuff with Raphael and school. Oh! He played miniature golf with us today. He tied with my score of 58. Jonathan won with 48, Damien had 55?, Royce had 54?, and Desi had 66?. I hope I got your scores right people. What else to talk to those bloggers about self? Hmmmm..... How to please them self? Well guys and gals I am sorry but my blogging skills fail me sometimes. It's almost like being knew to something. But maybe if I keep posting I'll get better. That's awesome. Oh! Raphael played his first game of baseball on Sunday and he was pretty good. The game went better than the one at the park I have to say...... Sorry people that's all. Done. Finished. Through. Over. ABCD.


-If you in any way did not like some of my randomness I don't care. Hehe.


Blogger Kat said...

Wow, it's kinda wierd, yet awesome, how people'll visit new countries for the first time and do everything for the first time.....random things that we do all the time.....isn't that just....awesome?

9:40 PM

Blogger Jeeps said...

Hahaha, great post, Lanchae. Is you're title supposed to be french for "yes"? Cuz I think it's "oui".

6:38 AM

Blogger -Lance said...

As you can see, Raphael hasn't helped me with my French. Wi seemed right but Frenchies can be weird sometimes. Thanks for the heads up Jeeps. And yes, it is amazing how much new stuff he has done here already and only a week into his stay! He has a LOT to do still.

3:02 PM

Blogger Royal Bandit said...

I hate it when people say, "Im new to the blogging world", Its flippin annoying!!! " My blogging isnt good yet, sorry". AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:44 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

What I hate worse, Royce, is when people have terrible typos that nobody notices...such as "It's almost like being KNEW to something."

Also, you forgot to mention his first brainfreeze, which was very enjoyable to watch. :-D It was his first time ever having soda too! Actually no...the Swiss have mineral water so I guess that counts ;-)

6:59 PM

Blogger Jeeps said...

Hey, Lanchae, I'll tell Fr. Lebel tht you said the Frenchies are weird.

7:16 AM

Blogger -Lance said...

Go ahead. I didn't bother to add that we Americans are too in the ways of spelling. I mean how would a Frenchie know how to spell psycho just by hearing it? And Royce, sorry but I am in a big world now and just an amateur. :D

1:54 PM

Blogger Kat said...

Welcome to the world, Lance

10:03 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

Speaking of Frenchies and accents and what not. I've been told by three outsiders used to different accents (Jason:Bostonian, Fr. Lebel and Raphael: Frog I mean French) that I have an accent...Fr. Lebel said something like a cowboy, Raphael agreed while Jason said that he couldnt understand me at all sometimes....Cool, huh? :-D

1:12 PM

Blogger Jeeps said...

Same here.


11:29 PM

Blogger -Lance said...

Thank you, Thank you.

4:21 PM

Blogger Kat said... don't have an accent, just talk kinda funny :-P

6:43 PM

Blogger Blitzkrieg said...

I agree with Jason

7:52 AM

Blogger Dameo said...

Well, I'd rather accept an accent than talking funny................that was just mean. :-(

12:23 PM

Blogger Kat said...

hahahaha....the truth can hurt sometimes, eh? ;-)

10:25 PM

Blogger -Lance said...

People say I sound like Damien, but nobody has told me that I have an accent. It's kinda weird isn't it? But my English is so eloquent and it flows so beautifully off of my tongue, so I guess I can't talk "funny".

10:54 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

Lance, you doofnut...They say you SOUND like me, not SPEAK like me. Gosh, try to say I dont have an accent, huh? What if I WANT an accent? Than what you said would just be mean!!!

And yes, Kat...Take it from me. The truth can hurt, but that's why I hold my tongue so much more than you think when talking to you! ;-p

12:39 PM

Blogger Kat said...

hahaha oooohhhhh! No wonder you're my enemy....I was kinda starting to feel like apologizing....but now that feeling's gone....

2:53 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

What do you mean?? I didnt say anything about YOU though! I just talked about me holding MY tongue...there is one true, obvious fact known to America though displayed right here..girls are so sensitive

10:05 AM

Blogger -Lance said...

True, True. I have proved that many a time. ;D

5:15 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

See, Lance knows what I'm talking about. Thanks Lance

10:16 AM

Blogger Blitzkrieg said...

Yeah!!!! Lance is talking about YOU

5:23 PM

Blogger sHANNON said...

Its so sad when all the girls (who are on Blogger) are not here to defend this subject that keeps on repeating it's self.....well OKAY sometimes it IS true that we are sensitive but with totally different reasons.
Anyways, what Kat is doing Damien is T E A S I N G you. Although I'm not sure you would know what that means, because you can't even say your Alphabet all the way to Z yet....but don't worry we all understand.
Hahaha. Sweet post Lance....
P.S. Lets not have any "Kat-fights" here yet, okay Kat? ;-p

10:03 PM

Blogger Kat said...

Shannon! I was having so much fun and now you went and told him what exactly I was doing?!?! It's all good though....maybe next time

And yes, girls CAN be sensitive but at least they have some reasonable excuse for it....whereas guys'll suddenly get all emo over something kinda stupid :-P For example: A certain man cooked dinner for two certain women on certain night and was offended because these certain women didn't compliment him about how incredibly good the food was! As if them eating the food and politely asking for seconds and thirds wasn't hint enough that it was good stuff. I mean honestly, anyone with a lick of sense would assume that they like the food because they ate it all until there was absolutely nothing left.... (and no, I'm not teasing....admit it, it's true)

10:24 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

Shan....what is T E A S I N G?? And why are you mentioning me not counting to Z, do you have a PROBLEM with that, huh? HUH?! Gosh some people these days!!

I was never TEASING too...whatever that means. I totally meant what I said about holding my tongue :-D.

8:23 AM

Blogger Jeeps said...

Kat-fight! Kat-fight! Kat-fight! The crowd is cheering for more!!!

9:40 AM

Blogger -Lance said...

Wow Catherine, sounds like that story wasn't made up. If it is, it sounds reasonable.

Thank you Shannon.

And JP, keep on cheering. : D

3:30 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

I've got a story. Once there was this girl who cried at everything. And she cried even more. The end.

One point, though, this girl represented almost all the girls/women in history.

Video killed the radiostar!!!

9:47 AM

Blogger Jeeps said...

Doom, you took the words right outa my mouth.

7:04 PM

Blogger -Lance said...

What is all this Mark? Is it your way of saying you like my blog? If so, thank you. Because it is you who comments a lot.

9:16 PM

Blogger Jeeps said...

Please note that the following content may be unappropiate for certain, young, sensitive, kids.

"One night there was this gal and she was cooking dinner for these two guys on a particular night. When they didn't compliment the gal on her fine cooking, she took it as an insult. I mean, come on! As if asking for seconds and thirds wasn't good enough. This just goes to show that GIRLS can be as sensitive as BOYS!"*

*This story has been altered for dramatical and entertainment reasons.

Hahahahaha..........what?! I thought is was funny.


7:23 AM

Blogger Kat said...

Yeah story was true (unlike yours)

1:13 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

Jeeps...that's a D@m% good story, if you ask me. Very nice. Though, if Kat's story IS true (as she says) then why is this story even remembered? It's obviously the girls getting all sensitive about forgetting to compliment him...not the guy (because a guy didnt tell this story)

2:13 PM

Blogger -Lance said...

Poor cows, fed only grass and hay, while their ancestors got to eat.....wait...enviromentalists are really, very out of their mind.

7:12 PM

Blogger Kat said...

Awww...the poor little cows!! *runs off sobbing*

9:42 PM

Blogger Royal Bandit said...

Lets talk about annoying.

8:05 PM

Blogger Dameo said...

Mayday!!! We're going OVERBOARD!!!!!

6:10 PM


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