It's been awhile.....
Dear Everyone,
Okay, so it has been awhile since I have posted, a long while at that. And I thought to myself, "Hey, everyone has been posting on their blogs and I haven't even done that. Maybe I should....". So I am. So, what's new? Well, I am now going to Sac every Wednesday for choir and Schola. That's pretty cool. Also I passed the test today and can now serve in high mass. Also, tomorrow we are going to see the 49ers vs Seahawks game. Which is going to be sweet! You guys better be rooting for the Niners because if you don't, well then bad things will happen to you.......You know, I'm pretty bad at this. I mean I can't even write a long while or anything. I guess that's just me though. Because others make long posts. All well. You guys all like my short posts right? I mean, great things come in small packages. That's the case here, few words, but a lot of meaning behind it. You know what else? Thanksgiving is coming up. You guys excited to take a break from school, be around family, and eat some great food? I am. If any of you aren't then you certainly need to brighten up. I guess that's all for now, some may call a post like this pathetic, I like to call it "interesting." I bet none of your guys' posts can be called that. Except maybe Damien's, but his are more "special.'' Well, that's all for now........Later.
First off, congrats on passing your test!!! That's something I'll probably never get to do ;-)
Secondly, you totally copied what I said, "great things come in small packages"
Thirdly, that's true..none of the GUYS posts are that great.....but the GALS' posts are (especially mine!!) :-P
Fourthly, congrats again on a pretty good's better than mine anyway
6:01 PM
Wait, nobody said what I said, that you said that you said, before you said it or me said it?
Oh, and thanks. :D
11:08 PM
Ummmmmmm.....I take it your asking me whether someone said it before I said it to you? Well....some genius (like me) probably did....but I read it somewhere in a book :-P
Oh, and your welcome
(here's a random question that perhaps you and your genius could answer: Do you say Your welcome, or You're welcome?)
7:42 PM
That's what I thought. And the answer to your question is you're welcome (What I thought it was). I wasn't sure so I looked it up though. :D
12:48 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!....
9:13 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!!
4:10 PM
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