Wi Wi Wi.
Dear Bloggers,
There comes a point in life when you ask yourself, "What's my point in life." Well we have a new guest in our house and his name is Raphael. Most of you already know this but if you didn't you do now. He is pretty awesome, and he likes everything we do. His first day here he was introduced to airsoft. I think he likes it. We played for three days straight and now it kinda stopped. What else? He tried his first hamburger at the world famous "Giant Burger." I think he liked that too. He also tried his first PB&J a couple of days ago. So things are going good with him in America, he speaks very well, likes our humor, and does everything we introduce to him. So that's the summary of my life right now. Do stuff with Raphael and school. Oh! He played miniature golf with us today. He tied with my score of 58. Jonathan won with 48, Damien had 55?, Royce had 54?, and Desi had 66?. I hope I got your scores right people. What else to talk to those bloggers about self? Hmmmm..... How to please them self? Well guys and gals I am sorry but my blogging skills fail me sometimes. It's almost like being knew to something. But maybe if I keep posting I'll get better. That's awesome. Oh! Raphael played his first game of baseball on Sunday and he was pretty good. The game went better than the one at the park I have to say...... Sorry people that's all. Done. Finished. Through. Over. ABCD.
-If you in any way did not like some of my randomness I don't care. Hehe.