Sit back and relax as you read my blog which has one purpose and one only. To waste my time and yours (enjoyably of course). So please enjoy whenever you check this blog out. -Lance

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wi Wi Wi.

Dear Bloggers,
There comes a point in life when you ask yourself, "What's my point in life." Well we have a new guest in our house and his name is Raphael. Most of you already know this but if you didn't you do now. He is pretty awesome, and he likes everything we do. His first day here he was introduced to airsoft. I think he likes it. We played for three days straight and now it kinda stopped. What else? He tried his first hamburger at the world famous "Giant Burger." I think he liked that too. He also tried his first PB&J a couple of days ago. So things are going good with him in America, he speaks very well, likes our humor, and does everything we introduce to him. So that's the summary of my life right now. Do stuff with Raphael and school. Oh! He played miniature golf with us today. He tied with my score of 58. Jonathan won with 48, Damien had 55?, Royce had 54?, and Desi had 66?. I hope I got your scores right people. What else to talk to those bloggers about self? Hmmmm..... How to please them self? Well guys and gals I am sorry but my blogging skills fail me sometimes. It's almost like being knew to something. But maybe if I keep posting I'll get better. That's awesome. Oh! Raphael played his first game of baseball on Sunday and he was pretty good. The game went better than the one at the park I have to say...... Sorry people that's all. Done. Finished. Through. Over. ABCD.


-If you in any way did not like some of my randomness I don't care. Hehe.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Aug. 17 '06- I awoke the next day to the sound of the adored binelli ringing through my ears. Lack of sleep made me hate the sound that is so beautiful. Though I didn't want to, I got up for I knew I would regret it if I did not do so. The cool mountain air woke me up a little more as I stepped downstairs for my tiny breakfast which consisted of jerky and chips. MMMMM. After breakfast was finished some went off hunting while me and others stayed behind for now. When I was finally ready it was decided I would go with Mike to the hot spot of yesterday. I took my Grandpa's bolt action rifle. Mike decided to go with his semi-auto rifle. So we were off. We went up the hill for some time before we started heading into the chipmunk infested forest. The chipmunks were slow to waking up for we did not see them for awhile, but just a little bit of waiting proved to do us well for they were out and about when the sun was fully risen. We walked and walked picking up a few kills on the way when to our delight we found an opening in the forest, perfect for a slowing things down a bit. We sat there and waited, and boy was that spot hot. It would've been awesome to stay there but David, Reed, Mark, Leef, and JP came to our spot. They were really loud so Mike and I eventually left. We hunted for another hour or so before we headed back to the cabins for lunch. I had a dorito sandwich and a hot dog with chips in it. MMMMM. After that Mike and I headed back again and hunted for two more hours. We came back again and I headed out with Tait, Leef, Mike and Royce I think. There weren't many chipmunks out because it was the middle of the day, so we pretty much just shot random things for awhile before heading back to the cabins to get ready to leave. We waited there for awhile before everyone came back. Before we cleaned up though we had a shooting contest. I think everyone knows what happened by the pics. After the shooting contest came the pics. You saw those. So after that we packed our things up and headed back to the best city on earth. Seating arrangments were the same on the way back. I pretty much snoozed for a little bit before Jonathan showed everyone the lumber mill. After that we got home and got everything out again. It was about 6:00 p.m. at that time. When we got there everyone swam and cooled off before we had some pizza. MMMMMM. After pizza we thought it would be a good idea to get some slurpees at 7/11 across town. So we walked (or rode bikes, one being a girl bike) to 7/11, talking on the way. We got the slurpees. I got a mix of every flavor. MMMMM. So after slurpees we went to the movie store and rented Equilibrium. After renting was done we headed back and talked some more. We got home talked for a bit and then started the movie. The movie was really good, almost Matrix like. But I fell asleep anyways because I was tired and didn't care. I woke up to everyone talking in the kitchen so I just went upstairs into my bed. I woke up to Jonathan I think. So I got ready and everything along with everyone else. We then ate breakfast and headed out to Altar Guild. And they lived happily ever after.

The End,