Sit back and relax as you read my blog which has one purpose and one only. To waste my time and yours (enjoyably of course). So please enjoy whenever you check this blog out. -Lance

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

To All

For those who didn't know it, I am not dead. I am still here. Just been gone awhile. Yep, that's all for now......



Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here we all thought you were dead. Well, guess we can stop the search and call off the police. ;-p
Glad to know your alive!


1:48 PM

Blogger -Lance said...

Yeah, seems like Catherine was a bit surprised at my appearance. Glad to know you had the police in search of me Shannon. :D

2:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No...that was more of a "WoW" meaning: I can't believe what an insanely good post that was!! WoW!!!!!!

9:24 PM

Blogger -Lance said...

It was insanely good wasn't it? :D :D :D

9:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost insanely good....almost :-D

2:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To All:

Once Lance finds the time to post something on his blog, we shall have a blog party.

P.S. for now...we wait.

3:49 PM

Blogger Kat said...

now why would someone comment as "anonymous" and then sign her name?

6:57 PM

Blogger sHANNON said...

Because it wouldn't let me sign in as me. stupid computer....

10:19 AM

Blogger sHANNON said...

Umm wait...why is it that all my comments are anonymous? I did sign in...all the blogs are messed up now. Oh party I guess. We all will be signing in as anonymous because these people have to mess everything up. To bad.. :-p

10:24 AM


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