Sit back and relax as you read my blog which has one purpose and one only. To waste my time and yours (enjoyably of course). So please enjoy whenever you check this blog out. -Lance

Saturday, April 28, 2007

It's war....

Ok, so I haven't posted in a really long time, blogs are dying these days (they were in the past too), I have been really busy, and lots of other things. So, I just want to post a post where I post about my life. Ummm, I am very occupied with school these days, doing reports, tests, and everything else involved. But, I do not have to do those things at the moment so here I am, posting. Well, besides school, I swam today. Desi asked me to come outside to squirt her while she jumps on the trampoline. Yeah, that was a definite first, the whole "Can you squirt me, it would be much appreciated. Thanks." She told me that I was going to get wet if I did it, I didn't believe her. She didn't lie though. After squirting her for awhile she got off and ran away. She and Royce devised a plan to get me wet. So, I have no clue about there little plan. Then, Desi comes at me slowly with a bucket of water (actually, I think it was Leo or Bibi's food bowl), while Royce casually tells me he is going up on top of the awning just outside(I don't know if that's exactly what it should be called, but I'll call it an awning.). And, if you don't know where our "awning" is, it is right above the hot tub where you can jump onto the trampoline. So, Royce goes on top of that, Desi threatens me with the water, and I tell Desi, "Come on, get me wet.", and just as I say that Royce pours a bucket of water(This bucket of water was placed by Royce on top of the awning almost a week before, because Royce loves waiting for these incidents to happen) right on top of me, clothes and all. So, Desi was right, I got wet. Because Desi was so "punkish" as to get me wet, I threw her into the pool along with myself. The pool actually felt pretty nice too, so Desi and I went swimming. So there it is, a little anecdote from me. This whole "Desi getting me wet when I am not ready to get wet" only means one thing though, I have to get her wet when she does not expect it. So, I think this summer(as all summers) will be filled with many "water" wars. War with water always happens around summertime. It's inevitable. I guess I just have to stay strong and fight my part, for water wars are very serious. But, if any of you ever find yourselves in a war such as this, I tell you one thing: Don't retaliate as Royce would. Royce's revenge on anyone who does the slightest thing to him (Such as one drop of water on his cheek) is a revenge that goes far beyond what the other person deserves. You get him wet with one drop of water, he is going to soak you from head to toe somehow. So, let your revenge be fair........I'm sure that is something all of you will take to heart........I am totally 100 % sure.
